duminică, 18 septembrie 2011

New video, LMFAO - "Sexy and I know it"

Dupa succesul incredibil pe care l'au avut cu piesa "Party Rock Anthem",LMFAO lanseaza un nou videoclip la piesa "Sexy and I know it",inclusa pe albumul "Sorry for party rocking",lansat in luna iunie.

Videoclipul piesei este unul foarte funny,avand in vedere ca Redfoo (dreapta) si Skyblu (stanga) danseaza "provocator" in niste chilotei cu animal print. ;))  "This is how they roll,animal print,pants out control."

Unii dintre cei mai freak artisti la ora actuala , incomparabili de altfel cu Lady Gagea, spera la un alt mega-succes cu noua piesa "Sexy and I know it".Ce credeti,il vor avea?

Iar pentru cei pasionati de lyrics,iata aici niste versuri foarte ilariante !

                                                   Sexy and I know it !

When I walk on by, girls be looking like damn he fly
I pay to the beat, walking on the street with in my new lafreak, yeah

This is how I roll, animal print, pants out control,
It's real fool with the big F o
They like bruce lee rock at the club

Girl look at that body (x3)

I work out

Girl look at that body (x3)

I work out

When I walk in the spot, this is what I see

Everybody stops and they staring at me

I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it

I'm sexy and I know it (x2)

When I'm at the moss, purity just can't fight them up
When I'm at the beach, I'm in a speedo trying to tan my cheeks
This is how I roll, come on ladies it's time to go

We hit it to the bar, baby don't be nervous
No shows, no shirt, and I still get serviced

Girl look at that body (x3)
I work out
Girl look at that body (x3)
I work out

When I walk in the spot, this is what I see
Everybody stops and they staring at me
I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it

I'm sexy and I know it (x2)


Girl look at that body (x3)
I work out
Girl look at that body (x3)
I work out

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